Est 1990
Emergency Incidents (Police, Fire, Ambulance)
Call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if the crime is happening right now.
If you are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech impaired, you can make contact by using your TextPhone or send us messages by SMS.
TextPhone: 18000 eSMS: 999
(requires registration)
Non-Emergency Numbers
Telephone: 101 or 01483 571212
TextPhone: 18001 101
Police Link Officers for Deaf people (PLOD): SMS text us on 07786 204020
We recommend that you put these numbers in your mobile, to enable you to contact us when you need to. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Surrey Police 0845 125 2222
Report a Crime Online Click here
Anti-Social Behaviour Click Here
Anti-social behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life.
Anti-Social Driving
Anti-social driving can range from careless driver behaviour to deliberate activity. If you wish to report an incident of anti-social driving you can use our online reporting form
For more information on about anti-social driving visit the DriveSMART website.
Please note, allegations of bad driving must be corroborated by an independent witness or other supporting evidence such as DASH CAM footage in order for the police to take action.
Report incidents involving dogs
If you or someone else you know has been bitten by a dog or if you wish to report a dangerous dog contact Surrey Police online, call 101, or 999 if it is an emergency.
Dog attacks on other animals are generally civil matters and are not dealt with by the police.
For issues such as lost dogs, dog fouling, noisy dogs, reporting stray dogs, use of leads, breeding licenses and information on micro-chipping, you should contact your Woking Borough Council. 01483 755855
Report Lost and Found Property Click Here
If you have found someone’s property you should contact your local police station (link to front counter sites) call 101, or report online. You can hold onto the property found, on the understanding that if the owner comes forward you must hand it over. After 28 days the item becomes yours if nobody has claimed it. Any subsequent dispute over ownership could be resolved through the civil court.
You are not permitted to hold onto the property if there is reasonable belief that it is subject of crime or contains personal data (such as cameras, mobile phones, laptops). You would also not be able to keep any financial cards, any item that has a recordable medium, or any firearms, weapons or other dangerous items. These must be handed into a police station.
Woking Neighbourhood Watch Click Here
The Woking Association of Neighbourhood Watches provides a coordinated network of volunteer community-spirited residents who are dedicated to the prevention of crime within the Borough of Woking.
Neighbourhood Watch members are part of the UK’s largest grassroots movement, and together we make communities safer and friendlier right across England and Wales. With your help we can do even more and we’re aiming to make our movement even bigger, safer and friendlier. We are part of the active Surrey Neighbour Watch organisation.
We help residents to set up Watches in their roads; maintain a register of coordinators in Woking; be a conduit for Surrey and UK NhW information; regularly publish newsletters for Watch coordinators; hold brochures and collateral and be the interface to Woking and Surrey Police (including the PCC) for neighbourhood Policing activities.
Neighbourly Help
Neighbourly Help Around Mayford (NHAM) has recently merged with Southwest Woking Assisting Neighbours (SWAN) to become Mayford and South-west Woking Neighbourly Help We are a good neighbour scheme with volunteers who offer help and support to people of all ages living in and around Mayford, Barnsbury and the Mount Hermon areas.
We can do your shopping and collect prescriptions, provide transport to local doctors, hospitals and other medical appointments or to hairdressers and the local shops. We can organise friendly home visits or telephone calls and give you information on other local services.
Our help is free of charge but donations towards drivers' fuel and our running costs are welcomed to enable us to continue the service. We will suggest an appropriate donation, normally between £3 and £15.
All volunteers are checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service. They are local people with time to help their neighbours.
To use the service, call our Helpline on 07788 972761 between 10am and 12 noon, Monday to Friday. The Duty Officer will take your details and contact you again once a volunteer has been found. Please give us at least 2 days' notice so that we have time to find you a volunteer.
To find out more about becoming a volunteer, call the helpline number as above.
Surrey Fire and Rescue Service 08456 009009 Click Here
Surrey residents can arrange a free Safe and Well Visit by completing the online form or calling the request line on freephone 0800 085 0767.
South East Coast Ambulance Service 01737 353333
NHS Direct 08 45 46 47
NHS 111 Dial 111
When to use 111
You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it's not a life-threatening situation.
Call 111 if:
you need medical help fast but it's not a 999 emergency
you think you need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service
you don't know who to call or you don't have a GP to call
you need health information or reassurance about what to do next
(Guildford) local call charges apply 01483 505555
National telephone: 116 123 (this number is free to call)
Woking Borough Council Homelessness Service (Out of hours) 0203 701 3590
Litter and Fly tipping
A person suspected of fly-tipping may be prosecuted under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. If found guilty (upon summary conviction) they could receive a fine of up to £50,000 and/ or a prison sentence of up to twelve months.
Woking Borough Council state they aim to investigate every fly tip found on public land and will prosecute any person suspected of fly tipping. Fly tips on public land are removed by Serco(Woking), on behalf of Woking Borough Council or if causing a danger on the public highway, it is the responsibility of Surrey County Council.
Woking Borough Council 01483 755855
Surrey County Council 0300 200 1003
Trading Standards
Surrey Trading Standards Service, Consort House, Queensway, Redhill RH1 1YB, Tel: 01372 371700
Twitter: @Bucks_SurreyTS
Food Standards Agency
Woking Borough Council (Enviromental Health Team) Tel:01483 743840
Check Food Ratings Click Here
Report Neighbour Disputes
For boundary disputes contact the Land Registry. Click Here
If you haven’t sent a signed agreement from your neighbours with your application, Land Registry will contact them to check they’re happy with your plan.
Land Registry will refer the dispute to the First-Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber - Land Registration) if you and your neighbour can’t agree on the boundaries. The tribunal will make a decision on what should happen - you may have to go to a hearing.
Find out more about property disputes and boundaries from Land Registry.
Find out more information on issues such as parking in front of your property. Click Here
For parking obstruction where vehicle access is inhibited, that is, the road is blocked or otherwise impassable due to the way the vehicle has been parked; or you are unable to exit your driveway on to the road, the police may be able to make efforts to contact the registered keeper and attend if necessary and consider removing the offending vehicle. However, for the police to use these powers there must be an obstruction which makes it impassable. If you are able to pass by the vehicle, even with difficulty, then the road, footpath or driveway is not actually physically blocked and the police will not attend.
Find out more information on noise issues. Click Here
Report Noise Nuisance Click Here
Any noise, especially late at night can be very distressing. Local councils are responsible for dealing with complaints about noise. They will take action if they feel the noise is excessive and it occurs between 11pm and 7am. All councils operate an out of hours service, but many are simple answerphone systems where you will need to leave the details of your complaint. Their response to your complaints may not be immediate.
Report parking problems and abandoned vehicles Click Here
Regulation and enforcement of on-street parking restrictions, public car parks and controlled parking zone permits, the recovery of abandoned vehicles and untaxed vehicles are the responsibility of your local council.
For parking obstruction where vehicle access is inhibited, that is, the road is blocked or otherwise impassable due to the way the vehicle has been parked; or you are unable to exit your driveway on to the road, the police may be able to make efforts to contact the registered keeper and attend if necessary and consider removing the offending vehicle. However, for the police to use these powers there must be an obstruction which makes it impassable. If you are able to pass by the vehicle, even with difficulty, then the road, footpath or driveway is not actually physically blocked and the police will not attend.
Vehicles parked in a dangerous position where its position could cause injury to someone using the road (e.g. parking on a blind bend or on a humpback bridge) are matters for the police and you should call 101 or report online.
Report a Sounding Alarm
If an alarm sounds and there is evidence of criminal activity underway or you see something suspicious call 999. Don't be tempted to put yourself in danger by making checks yourself.
Most domestic alarms are triggered by a fault or a pet rather than criminal activity.
Unless there is a suspicious activity the police will not attend. If an alarm persistently sounds and it becomes a nuisance you should contact your local council who may send an Environmental Health Officer. Click Here
Report Highways Issues (POTHOLES etc)
Report pothole and road repair to Surrey County Council Click Here
Contact details
Telephone: 0300 200 1003 (8am-6pm weekdays, excluding bank holidays. Emergencies only at all other times)
Textphone (via Text Relay): 18001 0300 200 1003
SMS: 07527 182 861
Fax: 020 8541 9575
Minicom: 020 8541 9698
Hoe Stream at Mayford Bridge levels Click here
Flood information service Click here
View the latest river and sea levels near you · View your property's long-term risk of flooding · View the 5-day flood risk ·
Sign up to flood warnings etc
Social Media Offences
Unpleasant comments about people on social media sites are not dealt with by the police unless there is a criminal offence involved.
A criminal offence might include threats to kill, threats to cause damage, criminal conduct amounting to harassment and comments that incite racial hatred, violence or rioting. If this is the case call Surrey Police on 101 or report online.
For general unpleasant or inappropriate posts, in the first instance, you should contact the social media site on which the comments have been made and ask for their assistance. If you think you are a victim of libel to the extent you wish to take action then you should consult with a solicitor
Waste and Recycling
General complaints
If you live in Surrey Heath or Woking and wish to make a complaint please complete the complaint form.
Complaints about damage to property
Find out how to raise a claim if your property, such as a building or vehicle, has been damaged by a refuse collection vehicle or collection staff.
Injured Wildlife
Please consider using a wildlife vet such as Wildlife Aid
If you need to report an animal casualty, please call the emergency helpline on 09061 800132*. This line is available 24 hours a day, all year round.
* calls cost 50p/minute plus your standard network rate. All proceeds to assist with funding
Randalls Farm House, Randalls Rd, Leatherhead KT22 0AL
Opening hours (for animal admissions only):
Monday 9:00 – 21:00
Tuesday 9:00 – 21:00
Wednesday 9:00 – 21:00
Thursday 9:00 – 21:00
Friday 9:00 – 21:00
Saturday 9:00 – 21:00
Sunday 9:00 – 21:00
All wild animals that come into our care at our Surrey based Wildlife Hospital are treated and rehabilitated completely free of charge. Our aim is to return every animal that is capable of surviving back to its natural environment. Unfortunately, there are still too many occasions when the illness or injury – sometimes deliberately inflicted by man – is so severe that the animal would never be able to survive in the wild. We care deeply about animal health and to be sure that every animal that comes through is completely healthy before being released.
Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue
Phone number is 01344 623106
Try to see things from the animal's point of view.
If as a human you were captured by a bear and then taken to his cave and told in “bear language” that he was going to make you better, you would not relax, in fact, most of us would die of shock. Animals are not cuddled in the wild - the only time another species touches them is when they are going to eat them!
Just imagine you're not well and trying to sleep and a giant kept peeling back the roof to look at you, how safe would you feel? You would either go into shock or flee for your life. Do not ‘peek’ at wildlife once you have it contained or show friends and family - leave well alone. Just as a ‘peeping- giant’ speaking in a different language would not relax you, your voice will not sooth wildlife.
The first thing you should do is contact a Wildlife Rescue or a Vet. NIL BY MOUTH Ambulances do not bring McDonalds and Coca-Cola on Emergency calls - Animals do not need food or drink either - in fact, the wrong food could kill them.
The first step of emergency treatment is to keep warm so that you can conserve energy. What little energy you have will go to your vital organs to protect them. THIS IS CALLED SHOCK. Animals cannot and will not feed when they are in shock. We rehydrate and in most cases we don't feed any real food for 24 hours. Keep the animal warm, away from humans, dark and quiet and get it to your nearest wildlife rescue and always call for advice first.
If you found an injured human you would get him or her to a hospital as soon as possible - PLEASE, give wildlife the same chance.